Investment Operations Manager - Equity and Fixed Income Investments - Leading Investment Manager
Miryco Consultants Ltd
🌎 Remote
Pre Construction Design Investment Manager
Sellick Partnership
London, UK
Health Insurance
Investment Risk Manager, Global Investment Manager, London
JMD Reg Consultancy LTD
London, UK
Investment Risk Manager
McCabe & Barton
London, UK
Investment Manager - Impact Investing
AXA Investment Managers
London, UK
Investment Risk Manager, Leading Multi-Asset Investment Manager, London, UK
PER, Private Equity Recruitment
London, UK
Investment Analyst, Secondaries, Top-Tier Investment Manager, London, UK
PER, Private Equity Recruitment
London, UK
Investment Operations, Senior Associate – Leading Investment Manager
Miryco Consultants Ltd
🌎 Remote
Operations Manager - Leading Investment Manager
Miryco Consultants Ltd
🌎 Remote
Fund Controller with Alternative Credit Investment Manager
OCR Alpha
London, UK
Job Description
Working as an Investment Manager in London, UK
There are 4,740 Investment Manager opportunities available in London, UK all with unique requirements.
The investment manager is responsible for the formulation of a personal strategy to achieve a specific financial goal. Investment Manager job responsibilities include: identifying investments, assessing the quality of these investments, calculating the appropriate amount of investment, and selecting the best investment strategy.